Our Clinic
The most modern Same Day Surgery Eye Clinic in Greece.
Schedule a visit to see for yourselves.
In its various Medical Departments and among its Medical Personnel the Ophthalmic Surgery Same Day Clinic EYE DAY CLINIC amasses an enormous amount of experience in refractive surgery using LASER (for the treatment of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism), microincision cataract surgery, glaucoma and vitreoretinal surgery, having a long and successful history in clinical ophthalmology both in Greece and abroad.
Our state-of-the-art Same Day Surgery Eye Clinic is the most modern clinic in Greece with ten (10) operating rooms fully equipped with the latest equipment to address all needs. We are committed to providing our excellent and modern services in an understanding and trusting environment.
Supported by the trust and love of our patients, and driven only by our wish to provide them with optimum eye care, we have created one of the largest, most modern, and scientifically sound ophthalmology centers in Greece and Europe.
Our aim is to offer people of all ages high quality treatment for ophthalmological conditions in a single facility. Our philosophy is to approach each patient and their family individually, in a friendly and organized environment through the cooperation of our team of ophthalmologists for the treatment and diagnosis of even the most complex of problems.
We are committed to providing you with state-of-the-art equipment that is constantly being renewed with the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic means, as well as to employing highly skilled scientific and paramedical personnel and forming a trusting relationship with you and your family built on our scientific competence, respect, dedication and honesty.
Photos of the (Same Day Clinic) EYE DAY CLINIC